Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Yoga for Back Pain Relief

Do you suffer from back pain? Have morning back stiffness? Tired of medicines and pain killers. No one else is able understand your extreme back pain. Finding no end to your pains and even your tolerance is getting away. Then, we have something to share with you.

Though in my twenties, I felt like being in fifties just because of the back pain. I could not go for morning walk with my husband, even used to miss all family functions and could not go for shopping. My house became totally dependent on servants. My bed and pain killers became my only source of life. Slowly I felt my husband and my children were taking their own ways leaving me in the darkness of my room. Finally, one day to my shock, I heard that my husband was seeing someone and my children had taken up bad habits. I felt that this pain was much more painful than my back pain. Thanks to one of my friend who showed me the way to yoga, which guided me to a new lifestyle and bring back my husband and children. Now, I regularly practice Yoga at home. Here, I wish to bring to light that back pain does not mean the end of healthy lifestyle, it can be totally overcome by practicing some effective Yoga asanas. Gentle yoga positions designed to stretch and strengthen your back can help miraculously.

Using yoga asanas for back pain is something that has been common practice for many years. Back pain can be due to many causes, but regardless of the cause, yoga asanas can usually help. A person looking into using yoga asanas should understand how they work and which ones are best for easing back pain. The back is an important part of the human body. It has many functions, including supporting muscles, protecting the spinal cord and protecting nerves. Injuries to the back are quite common. Most of the time, these injuries are related to muscles, and joints. Yoga asanas work to stretch and strengthen the muscles that support the spine and soft movements of yoga helps to prevent future injury.

A good, regular yoga practice will go far in relieving the stress and tension that sometimes cause mild back pain, and in fact, studies have shown that yoga is the number one most effective exercise for relieving back pain. Even medical doctors are starting to see the benefits and make recommendations to patients to try yoga. Yoga also helps to relax a person and help them relieve stress. Yoga asanas are a great alternative to medications and surgeries, but a person should always consult their doctor before beginning any exercise program to avoid further aggravation or injury. With a proper program, using yoga asanas for back pain reduction can be a great strategy.

Here are some of the best yoga poses for relieving back pain. Each pose should be held from five to ten seconds, depending upon your level of comfort, and should be done on a mat or other soft, supportive surface.

The Corpse Pose or Savasana

This Asana is helpful in releasing tension and relieving pain in the muscles of the back. In this pose, the body gets complete rest and the mind is at peace. 'Sava' means a dead body in Sanskrit and it is also called the relaxation posture. It revitalizes the entire body, takes away physical as well as mental stress and strain.

Lie flat on your back in a relaxed position, arms resting at your sides, palms facing up, and legs lying naturally, with knees turned out slightly.
If it hurts your back to have your knees turned outward, do this pose with knees bent, feet flat on the floor.
Close your eyes and allow all the muscles to relax.
Concentrate on each external limb of your body, starting from the toes till the head
Relax each and every part of the body and remain motionless
Breathe in and out while allowing any tension to leave the body.
Do this asana for 5-10 minutes.

Tad Asana

This Asana helps to stretch the spinal cord and is good for the muscles of the arms, shoulders and the neck.

Stand with your feet apart. Keep the arms at your side.
Inhale and lift the arms upward until the palms touch each other over the head.
The arms must be held straight.
Maintain this position for a few seconds.
Exhale and bring the arms back to the original position.
Repeat for a few times and relax.

Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

This targets the cervical vertebrae and relieves stiffness in the neck.

Lie on your back on the floor. Inhale.
Slowly tilt your head backwards until the back is arched and the crown of the head touches the floor.
The forearms and elbows can be used as support to assume the posture.
Breathing should be even.
Hold this position for 2-5 minutes and relax.
The Locust (Shalabhasana) - It targets the muscles of the back and helps to eliminate tension in the nerves.
Lie on the floor with the abdomen touching the floor and arms at the side; the chin should touch the floor.
Keep the heels and toes together, the fists should touch the floor.
Inhale slowly and lift the legs above the floor by applying pressure on the fists.
Hold this position for a few seconds and exhale.


Start out on your hands and knees with a flat back.
Your hands should be directly under your shoulders with fingers spread. Knees should be directly under the hips.
Head is held loosely so that you are looking at the floor between your hands.
Inhale, and as you exhale, arch your back toward the ceiling, tuck your chin in to your chest so that you are looking at your navel, and tuck your tailbone underneath.
Hold, then release back into your original position.



Stand up straight with feet together and arms hanging loosely along your sides.
Breathe in deeply and raise your arms straight above your head. While breathing out, bend forward and touch your toes if you can.
If you can’t reach your toes, grab hold of your ankles or calves. To complete the pose, you should touch your head to your knees, but this may be too difficult for many who suffer from lower back pain.
Your movements during this pose should be smooth, not jerky.

These are only a few of the many yoga asanas for back pain relief that work great to strengthen and tone the spinal and abdominal regions.Give these gentle yoga poses a try but don't attempt them if your pain is acute and always remember to listen to your body. If something hurts, don't do it! Move slowly and gently—Being too aggressive can make matters worse. Always check with your health care provider before beginning yoga or any exercise program.

However, not all yoga poses relieve back pain, and some can in fact aggravate existing pain, so it is important to know which poses will be most helpful in relieving back pain. It is best to do these exercises under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor, and if you encounter any problems with these poses, you should consult an expert. Even just one or two sessions with a yoga instructor can help, as an instructor will help you with your form and posture during poses.When performing the asanas, try to be as alert and vigilant as your body moves in a particular manner, to the asana. Through practiced controlled stretching deep meditative techniques and controlled breathing the aches and pains of backs can be normalized. With the help of yoga you will be able to control your mind and get rid of stressful thoughts and tension that are more often than not, the culprits of nagging aches and pains, especially in the back and neck.

Visit Textbookonly.com for Books on Back pain Relief

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