Monday, July 6, 2009


Pranayama is very important technique in yoga which is control and extension of ‘Prana’ or Vital energy or Life force. Pranayama helps in management of our vital energy. It is highly effective to control various diseases and for highly influential lifestyle The Pranayama can be classified in two types in terms of physiology, Hypo ventilation or vitalizing Pranayama and Hyper ventilation or relaxing pranayama. Kapalbhati, Bhasrika and Fast breathing can be classified under Hyper ventilation (increases Oxygen and reduces carbon dioxide) and Deep breathing, Bhramari can be classified as Hypo ventilation (oxygen level remains mostly same but the speed of respiration is lower).

Pranayam arouses the internal energy of a person and makes him healthy, balanced and active. Pranayam package which has seven-steps is sufficient along with daily routine. In Pranayama, however, there is a systematic regulation of both the inhalation and exhalation. The entire Pranayam process takes around 45 minutes and the duration can be increased gradually upto two hours. Pranayama should be done in morning hours preferably before the dawn. One should not sit for Pranayama after meals. At least a gap of 3-4 hours is essential. Pranayama should be practiced after Asans and before Meditation. Body must be cleansed before performing Pranayam and one should wear loose clothes. Sit straight; keep the neck and head absolutely straight. If a person cannot sit on floor due to some reasons then you can sit on chair. The body should be stable and spine should be straight. These seven-steps of pranayam package can be followed daily to maintain good health. Place for pranayama should be clean, peaceful and airy.
Now, we are going to discuss the seven most influential breathing exercises.


Take deep breathes and fill the lungs with air and then release it through nose. Take deep breath but do not fill the air in the stomach. Inhale deeply and exhale completely so that the lungs become free of air. Repeat this for 5-10 times till your breathing system is perfect. However, the patients of high blood pressure and heart patients should do it slowly. During this breathing exercise, imagine that you are throwing all the disorders present in your body. The mind is becoming pure and pious. Practice pranayam from three to five minutes.


It is a double-nostril exercise of exhalations done at the rate of one per second. Mentally focus on exhalations and not inhalations, which will happen automatically. The idea is to throw the bad breath loaded with carbon dioxide out. This ensures quick replacement of the toxic gas with the refreshing oxygen needed for cellular metabolism.

  • One can sit in vajrasana or padmasana.
  • Placing the hands on the knees, keeping the back upright, while the eyes looking straight ahead.
  • Exhale forcefully through the nose while pushing the stomach inward.
  • Inhalation should be passive and short.
  • Quickly perform the next exhalation.
  • Do this continuously to a rhythm.
  • Practice this with 50 exhalations at a stretch, then increase to 100.
  • Subsequently, perform this for 2minutes continuously and increase the duration.

‘Kapalbharti’ enables the inhalation of a good amount of oxygen which purifies the blood and strengthens the nerve and brain centres. This kriya provides relief in many lung, throat and chest diseases like chronic bronchitis, asthma, diabetes, pleurisy, and tuberculosis.

Bahya pranayam:

Keep the hands on the knees; bend the chin and try to touch the upper portion of the chest and the chest should be stretched. The stomach muscles should be pulled inside.

The muscles of groin area should also be pulled inside. Then breathe out completely like Kapalbhati. Imagine that the disorders are going out of the body while breathing out. The time taken for each repetition is 15 seconds and this should be done for at least three minutes.


It is a single-nostril breathing exercise. It is very influencial breathing exercise for diabetes, hypertension or high blood pressure, migraine pain, asthma. One can begin with a minute of deep but slow breathing. In all breathing exercises, the hands must rest on the knees. Eyes must be closed. Inhale through the left nostril while keeping the right nostril pressed with the thumb of the right hand. Follow this by exhaling through the right nostril while keeping the left nostril pressed with the middle fingers of both hands. The aim is to achieve 100-120 inhalations and exhalations over a five-minute period. Stop for a moment if you are tired. By doing this anulom vilom pranayam for about 15 minutes a day you can cure diseases like Hypertension or high blood pressure, Diabetes, Migraine Pain, Asthma, Bronchitis etc.

  • Sit in padmasana or sukhasana or legs folded in a proper manner
  • Keep back erect.
  • Shoulders behind.
  • With right hand, close index finger & middle finger.
  • Keep right hand thumb for controlling right nostril.
  • Keep right ring finger for controlling left nostril.
  • Now the actual breathing procedure
Breathe in through left nostril
Breathe out through right nostril
Breathe in through right nostril
Breathe out through left nostril.

This is one cycle of Anulom Vilom.

Both Anulom-Vilom and Kapalbharti are done for five minutes each by the beginners. They need to be extended up to fifteen minutes or more over a period of time through practice.

Brahmari: Person should sit in Sukha Asana or dhyan asan, close his eyes , keep his fingers in such a way that three fingers cover the eyes and one finger gives a little pressure on the forehead . The thumb should cover the ears by giving the little pressure. Now he has to take deep breathe and release the air slowly through nose so that a sound similar to the humming of bees comes out. Repeat the process for about 15 minutes. Breathe in and breathe out and imagine that the divine energy is entering into the body.
By doing Bramari pranayam you can cure all diseases related to ears, nose, throat, eyes, and nervous system.

Udgeet: A person should sit in Sukha Asana or dhyan asan, close his eyes, take deep breathe and release the air through mouth slowly that the sound of “OM” is pronounced. Breathe normally and chant ‘Aum’. The breathing should be so simple that the sound of breath should not be heard and even cotton kept in front of the nose should not move. Chant ‘Aum’ and visualize it while practicing this pranayam. Repeat the process for about 15 minutes. By doing udgeet pranayam you can cure all diseases related to nervous system and Throat.

Meditative pose: Concentrate the mind on inhaling and exhaling and think of god. God has created our eyebrows, eyes, nose, ears, lips, heart etc. in ‘Aum’ shape (Hindi word). Imagine the presence of god in every particle and meditate. Deeper the experience, and deeper will be the physical, mental and spiritual energy.

Pranayam overcomes the physical disorders, gives good health and the devotee proceeds on the path of spirituality.

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