Saturday, June 27, 2009

Yoga for Beauty

The art of Yoga is always popularly recognized with fitness and health concerns, it hardly untouches anything on earth. Be it health, weight loss, devotion, concentration, spiritual enlightenment, ego-shedding or beauty, yoga is effective in each of them.

Yoga is a way of keeping the body healthy and enhancing one's beauty and figure. Just by devoting few minutes daily,, any woman can improve her natural charms. Thus, Yoga is termed as a beauty and fitness routine that can fit into any lifestyle. Every woman in this world wishes to remain young and beautiful for ever. And each one tries to improve her beauty through natural as well as artificial methods. Even the middle aged women keep trying to regain their youth and beauty.
Yoga is a wonderful art that brings a perfect blend of physical strength and gracefulness in your life. Also, the beauty attained through Yoga is not an artificial and temporary achievement like cosmetic surgery and other such means. Yoga helps you lose all the flab in a right manner to the right extent. Apart from this the enlightenment achieved through yoga brings a shine of confidence over one's face. Yoga also acts as a stress buster which is in it self a very wonderful method to avoid ageing. The flexibility attained through Yoga also makes one feel good and thus look good. Yoga keeps ones body, mind and soul pure and alive. Anything pure and alive is naturally beautiful. Many famous personalities in the health and beauty industry swear on the names of yoga.

Attaining beauty through yoga?

The first and foremost principle of Yoga is that until you do not feel good, you can't look good. Thus yoga through its asana like Sukhasna and Shavasana aims to provide complete relaxation to your body.
Yoga helps you gain physical fitness, helps in the healthy maintenance of mind and body. It also acts in removal of toxins from the body and increases flexibility of your body making you look younger. The Dog and Cat Pose of Yoga is certainly helpful in gaining flexibility and vigor.
Yoga helps improve the efficiency of the immune system. Through regular Pranayams like Kaplabhati and Anulom- Vilom, you can easily avoid little daily problems of health. Yoga is equally active in thyroid and weight loss leading to perfect shaping of the body and thus making you beautiful.
The perfect oxygen dose which we get through various Yoga Asanas and Mudras also helps in skin glow.
Regular yoga brings contentment in your life which reflects on your face.
Yoga helps you in delaying ageing. A regular yoga practitioner remains young and active for quite longer than others who do not practice yoga.
Most of the film personalities around the world practice yoga for years to retain their beauty and youthfulness. Yoga helps women to stay slim and active. Recently, Shilpa Shetty, world renowned Bollywood actress, revealed Yoga as the secret of her Fitness and outgrowing Beauty. Shilpa Shetty says "Yoga is a management system for life and it is the most holistic approch to life that I have ever come across. It strengthens tones and cures. It works on body, mind and soul. Yoga has had a spectacular impact on my life".

Human Body and Yoga Asanas

The improved blood circulation and hormone balance makes the inner physical system immaculate and the postures and various physical exercises of yoga provide shape to the external body. Yoga lends the skin a healthy glow by balancing the hormones and boosting the flow of oxygen-rich blood to our skin. Yoga tones the facial muscles and also those in the neck. These asanas can also prove to be a boon for those in their mid forties whose skin has started to wrinkle, black circles have appeared around the eyes and the stomach has become flabby.
A lot of people have observed that people who usually do yoga exercises regularly have a certain glow on their skin. There are prescribed asanas to help people who desire good health. Remember good health is key to beauty. There are some Yoga exercises that keep the skin well toned and very vibrant. Exercises of that nature increase the circulation of blood to the face. This tones facial muscles giving your face a splendid look. Apart from yoga asanas, a balanced and nutrious diet is highly recommended.

The Indian system of Yoga prescribes certain effective Aasans or Yogic postures which if practised daily can bestow a well balanced physique. If these exercises are performed regularly one can remain young for a longer period of one’s life. These Aasans can also prove to be a boon for those ladies whose skin has started to wrinkle, black circles have appeared around the eyes and the stomach has become flabby.


Through the following Aasan the facial skin becomes soft, wrinkle free, and starts glowing with radiance. The black circles under the eyes vanish and the cheeks become pink. The face is filled with a magnetic attraction.
AASAN-Stand straight and move your feet apart, about one foot. First cover your face with your palms and breathe fast and deep, ten times. Next rub the face, the eyes, the forehead with your fingers and breathe fast ten times. By this exercise the face will start glowing with an attraction. After this rub the skin of the whole face, starting from the chin to the fore-head. Keep breathing deeply. By this exercise the wrinkles on the face shall vanish and it shall acquire a healthy look


By performing the following Aasan a corpulent neck can be given a beautiful shape and all the wrinkles on it shall disappear.
AASAN--Place your feet firmly on the ground. Keep your body erect and without moving your shoulders try to turn your neck to the left as much as you can. Then move the neck to the right. Repeat this exercise ten times. Next turn the neck to the right with a jerk ten times & then to the left, also ten times. After this turn your face up and your head backwards and then bend it forwards, trying to touch the chest with your chin. Repeat this exercise three times.
Through these exercises your neck shall become rid of extra fat and will become shapely.


Well formed breasts add to the beauty of a woman. Through this exercise the breasts can be moulded into an attractive shape.
AASAN--Stand straight and move your feet about one foot apart. Place your hands on your waist and inhale as deeply as you can and then exhale forcefully. Repeat this breathing exercise at least sixty times.
By performing this exercise regularly, within a week the breasts start becoming prominent and gain a well moulded shape.


Through this exercise the extra fat of the stomach gets dissolved. Women who have gained weight due to over-eating and pregnancy can try these exercises.
AASAN-Stand straight with the feet placed about one foot apart. Then bend forward and touch your toes with your fingertips, without bending your knees. You may not succeed in performing this exercise in the first attempt but try to bend as much as you can and in a few days you shall be able to touch your toes. One should remember not to bend the knees.
When you succeed in performing this exercise, next try to touch your left toe with your right hand & your right toe with the left hand without bending the knees. After you are able to perform the second exercise as well, try to bend forward so as to touch the floor with the palms of your hands.Through this exercise all fat around the stomach region disappears.


Until the waist of a woman is slim & free from excess fat, all her beauty seems to be in vain. Through this Aasan the waist can be given an attractive shape.
AASAN-Place the feet about one foot apart and spread the hands sideways in the level of the shoulders, parallel to the ground. Then turn your upper torso to the left from your waist upwards, so that you can easily look behind. The feet should remain firmly on the ground. Then come back to the starting position and turn to your right. Repeat ten times.
In the next step turn to your left with a jerk and then to your right. Repeat twenty times. Then place the hands on the waist and bend forwards so that your face touches your thighs. Repeat twenty times.Thus by performing these exercises, your waist shall become free of all excess fat and will become beautiful & shapely

The thighs should neither be too fat and nor should they be too slim. By this exercise the thighs, gain a well proportioned shape.
AASAN-Stand straight and spread your hands forward parallel to the ground. Then bend your knees and go into a posture as if you are sitting on a chair. Your thighs should be parallel to the ground and the back should be erect. Try to remain in this position for 3 minutes. This posture is similar to "Horse Trance" which is also practised by the martial arts experts.
After performing this exercise for a few days, carry it out eight to ten times daily. Through this exercise your thighs shall get rid of excess fat and will gain a well proportioned shape.


This is a very important but simple exercise which the texts on Yoga have called the Shavasan.
AASAN-Lie down on the floor without moving any limb. Leave your body loose and close your eyes. Then try to free the mind of all thoughts, worries and tensions.
This Aasan should be performed for fifteen minutes daily. One shall attain peace of mind and tranquility through it.

By performing all the Aasans one not only gains a beautiful attractive face but also a well balanced physique.
Some important Poses for healthy body and beauty
Asanas (yoga postures) help stimulate blood circulation through the entire body, some of them are specially designed to reduce tension and prevent you from stress. Yoga asanas and pranayama makes you free from disease by strengthening the immune system. Healthy body means healthy skin.

  • Sun Salutation(Suryanamaskar)
  • Sarvanghasana
  • Halasana
  • Cat Dog Yogic Pose
  • Padmasana
  • Pranayama

  • Sun salutation : Sun salutation (Surya namaskar) is a simple asana which you can add to your beauty regime as it will cover exercise of whole body. This asana will make your back and limbs flexible. This will also burn fat. It also helps you get thighs and buttock back into the tuck.

  • Halasana ( the plough pose) : Halasana is avery important asana if you want yours face wrinkle free and ful of glow, Relives constipation, keeps the spive supple and improves digestion.It keeps healthy thyroid and parathyroid glands and helps in preventing diabetes mellitus.
Lie flat on the back with the arms straight and beside the body, palms facing downwards. Keeping the legs straight, slowly raise them to the vertical position above the body. Only use the stomach muscles to raise the legs. Do not use the arms. Simultaneously, bend the trunk upward, hip first. Slowly lower the legs over the hesd and touch the floor with toes of both feet. keep the legs straight, bend the arms and place the hands on the back as in sarvangasana. Relax the body. Remain the final pose for a comfortable period of time.

  • Sarvangasana ( The shoulder stand position ) : Lie flat on the back with feet together, arms by the sides and palms flat on the ground. using the arms as a lever, raise the legs and back to a vertical position. Bend the elbows and use the arms as a props to steady the back by pressing it with the palms. The trunk and legs should extend straight upward, forming a right angle with the neck, the chest pressing the chin.

  • Pranayam : Practice provides us oxygen which is transported to our cells across the body through our blood. Practice pranayama at least for 30 minutes early in the morning in an open area or a green lawn.
  1. Rhythmic deep breathing
  2. Alom Vilom
  3. Kapalabhati is, in particular, for clear skin and eyes.

  • Cat - Dog Pose
In the Table Pose on your hands and knees, make sure your wrists are below your shoulders and your knees are below your hips.
Inhale, Dog Pose, bring your chin and tailbone up, arching your back.
Exhale, Cat Pose, tuck your chin toward your chest and tuck your tailbone under. Gently press your belly button up toward the spine.
Repeat 9 – 18 times. Allow the body to follow the breath.
Rest in Child’s Pose. Breath deeply. Rest for 1-2 minutes


Padmasana is also called kamalasana, which means lotus. The form of the legs while performing this asana gives the appearance of a lotus. As one takes the right posture, one must close the eyes and be aware of the body. The Muscles must be relaxed. One should feel the touch of the legs on the floor. The focus should then be shifted to the breath. A feeling of peace touches the mind. Sit in this posture for a few Minutes This aasan helps to preserve vital fluids in the body. It prevents abdominal diseases and female disorders connected with the reproductive organs.
1. Sit on the ground by spreading the legs forward.
2. Place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh.
3. Place the hands on the knee joints.
4. Keep the body, back and head erect.
5. Eyes should be closed.
6. One can do Pranayama in this asana.

Meditation for beauty

Practice meditation for 5 to 10 minutes and gradually increase the time. If you know no other mediatation, practice om recitation by closing your eyes and concentrating on area between your eyebrows. Meditation will cool your nerves, improve your concentration and confidence.

Diet for beauty

Eat a healthy and nutritious diet. One must include plenty of fresh dark green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, milk, sprouts, nuts, whole grain cereals etc to your food. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables in raw form or enjoy fresh vegetable/fruit juices. Vegetable juices are a low calorie storehouse of nutrients. Eat a balanced diet and include handful of nuts. Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol and aerated drinks. Try to eat freshly cooked food as far as possible. Stop intake of processed and junk food.

More Tips for glowing skin
  1. Drink plenty of water as it hydrates the skin and helps to remove toxins. It also helps to promote smooth bowel movements.
  2. Be cheerful at all times. There is nothing better than laughter yoga in this regard.
  3. Practice detachment and avoid excesses of food, drinks or emotions. Eat for nutrition and not for taste buds.
  4. Follow an active and healthy lifestyle.
  5. Clean and exfoliate your skin regularly. Use an effective moisturiser.
  6. Oil massage improves blood circulation and improves the health of the skin.
  7. Avoid over exposure to sun. Remember to apply sunscreen lotion whenever you go out.
  8. An eight-hours sound sleep will help your body to replenish, regenerate and rejuvenate itself. Do not skip sound sleep, as a restless mind often affects the overall health.

Effectiveness of yoga for beauty also depends on frequent and regular practice. Devoting about half an hour daily to yoga, can help you improve your natural beauty. Beauty is gift of god but you can do some efforts to improve or preserve what god has given you.

Books On Yoga visit :

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